Andrea's Lucky Horse Track
Annie and Liam's Fountain
Annie's Date with Caleb
Annie's Jogging Park
Billy and Amanda's Sculpture Garden
Brandon and Carla's Park Walk
Brandon and Kelly's Rose Garden Bench
Brandon and Kelly's Weekend Retreat
Brandon and Trish's Ice Arena
Brandon's Baseball Diamond
Brandon's Rollerblade Park
Brandon's Rollerblade Proposal
Brenda and Rick's Paris Garden
Debbie's Yoga Park
Dixon and Debbie's Mini Golf Course
Dylan and Kelly's Classic Car Park
Dylan and Kelly's Confessional Park
Dylan's Hospital Playground
Erin's Park Disappearance
Flirting with Disaster Camping Trip
Gina's Ice Rink
Hawaiian Waterfall
Ivy and Raj's Skate Park
Jess and Jo's Miniature Golf Course
Jonah and Ella's Mini-Golf Meeting
Kelly and David's Bowling Alley
Kelly and Noah's Amnesia Walk
Lucky Strike Lanes
Naomi and Jen's Horse Race
Naomi and Jen's Horse Stable
Noah and Ellen's Playground
Peter's Blackout Playground
Prince Carl's Polo Match
Senior Day Amusement Park
Steve and Janet's Wedding
Steve and Rush's Golf Tournament
Steve and Sarah's Golf Outing
Steve and Sarah's Park Walk
Sydney and Kimberly's Murder Plot Park
Teddy's Tennis Tournament
Tournament of Roses White Christmas
Val and Kenny's Tennis Courts
Yoga Retreat
Zach and Erin's Soccer Game