Search by Location Type: Homes/Apartments

Adrianna Duncan's House
Adrianna's Mansion
Alpha House
Am I Blue Party House
Amanda's Condo
Andrea and Jesse's Apartment
Andrea Zuckerman's Van Nuys House
Andrea's House (Season 2)
Annie & Ethan's Palm Springs Getaway
Antonia Marchette's Mansion
Ashe Family House
Ben Brinkley's Mansion
Bill Taylor's House
Bobby Parezi's House
Brandon, Steve and David's Penthouse
Brenda's Accident Victim's House
Brenda's Minnesota Dorm
Brenda's Sorority House
Camille Desmond's Apartment
Carla's East LA Apartment
Carter Gallavan's Mansion
Casa Walsh
Casa Walsh Minnesota
Chancellor Arnold's House
Chancellor Arnold's House (Version 2)
Charlie's House
Christina Worthy's House
Claudia's Apartment
Colin Robbins' Venice Loft
Colleen and David's House
Dan Hathaway's House
Dan Rubin's House
David and Carly's Bungalow
David Silver's Hollywood Hills Home
David's Grandparents' Palm Springs House
David's Grandparents' Palm Springs House (Version 1)
David's Jewel Theft
David's Record Deal Beach House
Donna Martin's House (Version 1)
Donna Martin's House (Version 2)
Donna Martin's House (Version 3)
Dylan and Charlie's Palm Springs Movie Meeting
Dylan and Kelly's Cabo Brunch
Dylan McKay's Condo
Dylan McKay's House
Dylan's Hypnotherapist's House
Ellen's Apartment
Emily Valentine's SF Apartment
Ethan Ward's House
Felix's Apartment
Gil Myers' House
Gina Kincaid's Childhood Home
Gina's Overweight Client's House
Glen Evans' House
Halloween Party House
Hayley Armstrong's Mansion
Health Inspector House
House Party Fire
Hunter Mansion
Ian's House
Isaiah's Apartment
Ivy's Dad's House
Ivy's House
Jack Parezi's House
Jackie Taylor's House
Jackie Taylor's New Apartment
Jane's Birth Mother's Mansion
Janet Sosna's House
Jeremy's Apartment
Jess Hanson's Trailer Home
Jonah's Necklace Theft
Jonah's Videography Gig
Kappa Lambda Eta House
Katya Petrova's Apartment
KEG House
Keith Gray's Beach House
Keith Gray's Seattle House
Kelly and Colin's Dealer's House
Kelly and Donna's Beach Apartment
Kelly Taylor and Silver's House
Kelly Taylor's House
Kimberly's Tupperware Party
Lauren Ethridge's Pool
Liam and Vanessa's House
Liam Court's House
Liam Court's House (Season 5)
Lucinda Nicholson's House
Madison Stewart's House
Marco's Fake House
Marianne Moore's House
Mark Driscoll's House
Marla Templeton's House
Matt Durning's Apartment
Max Miller's House
Max's Parents' House
Megan Mancini's Beach House
Megan Mancini's House
Melrose Place
Meredith Parker's House
Michael and Kimberly's Beach House
Michael Mancini's House
Naomi and Jen's House
Naomi and Jen's House (Season 2)
Naomi Clark's Beach House
Naomi Clark's House
Naomi Clark's House (Season 4)
Naomi's Mom's House
Nat and Joan's Bungalow
Navid Shirazi's House
Noah's Boat Dock
Original Casa Walsh
Peter Burns' Beach House (Season 3)
Peter Burns' Beach House (Season 5)
Peter Burns' House (Season 4)
Professor Finley's New Evolution Compound
Ray Pruit's House
Rick's Hollywood Hills House
Riley's Fundraiser Mansion
Rob Andrews' Bungalow
Roger Azarian's House
Rush's Malibu Beach House
Ryan Matthews' Apartment
Sarah's Apartment
Sasha's Apartment
Scavenger Hunt Christmas House
Scott Scanlon's House
Shane's Apartment
Silver's House (Version 2)
Silver's Women's Shelter
Steve and Brandon's Malibu Beach House
Steve Sanders' House
Stuart Carson's Mansion
Susan Keats' Parents' House
Tara's Street Home
Teddy Montgomery's House
Tiffany Morgan's Mansion
Tournament of Roses House
Tracy Gaylian's Family Ranch
Trudi's Hollywood Hills Party
Ty Collins' House
Val and Noah's Infinity Pool Skinny Dip
Val's Going Away Party
Valerie's Buffalo Home
Vanessa's Childhood Home
Wendy Edwards' House
Wilson Home
Wilson Home Version 2

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